
Picking top fields for reporting


While working with events from my [Puppet cimlog report processor] (https://github.com/wcooley/puppet-cimlog), I wanted to graph the average times that the various resources took to apply. The events look like this:

May  8 13:16:22 hera puppet-master[22740]: [cimlog/metrics] dest=zeus
event_id=1399580198 category="time" units="seconds"
rtime_augeas="0.020" rtime_config_retrieval="5.370" rtime_cron="0.002"
rtime_exec="2.334" rtime_file="3.180" rtime_file_line="0.000"
rtime_filebucket="0.000" rtime_group="0.028" rtime_name_service="0.001"
rtime_package="0.082" rtime_service="0.888" rtime_ssh_authorized_key="0.010"
total="11.974" rtime_user="0.040" rtime_yumrepo="0.016"

There is an rtime_ field for every managed resource type plus config retrieval. As this is just a single event from a single node, there are only just over a dozen resource types. Across all of my systems, however, there are more than twice as many.

Twelve fields on a timechart is verging on unusable and at some point timechart truncates data based on limits, so what is really wanted is the ability to select just the top N fields for timechart to graph. This could be done manually, of course, but it seems better to let the computers do the work.

To solve this problem, there are several steps to go through:

  1. Find the desired events.
  2. Figure out the top fields to graph.
  3. Extract the field names.
  4. Parameterize timechart with those fields.

Step 1: Find desired events

We start with a base search that finds events like the one above:

eventtype=puppet_cimlog_metrics category=time

This uses an eventtype defined in my [Puppet Pulse Splunk app] (https://github.com/wcooley/splunk-puppet); there is nothing special about it, searching for “puppet-master cimlog/metrics” would work as well. As these searches build upon one another and as it gets fairly long, I will not reproduce them in full, instead relying upon “…”.

Step 2: Figure out top fields

We could use either sum or avg to order the fields (or others, depending on what characteristic is important); which we choose is not important for the general technique. In this example, we will use sum with a wildcard parameter and rename:

... | stats sum(rtime_*) AS rtime_*

The wildcard parameter expands to sum(rtime_anchor) sum(rtime_augeas) … and the field rename just works as you would hope.

This results in a single row, with each column the sum of the values for a field:

   rtime_anchor rtime_augeas    rtime_class ...
1   0.191       670.672         0.037       ...

To get the top 5 fields, we use the transpose command, sort the results descending, and take the head 5:

... | transpose | sort - "row 1" | head 5

This results in a 2-column, 5-row table with the event fields in the column labeled column and the sums in the column labeled row 1:

    column                  row 1
1   rtime_file              191435.696
2   rtime_config_retrieval  21584.646
3   rtime_exec              7539.561
4   rtime_service           7375.801
5   rtime_vcsrepo           999.498

Step 3: Extract the field names

It would seem that now we would just need to throw away “row 1” with the fields command and feed the result to a timechart from a subsearch, but things are a little more complicated than that. A subsearch performs an implicit format on the results, so that the column name becomes a field name and the row data becomes possible values, all ORed together. If we try it, we get the following:

...  | fields column | format

    column  search
1           ( ( column="rtime_file" ) OR ( column="rtime_config_retrieval" ) OR
                ( column="rtime_exec" ) OR ( column="rtime_service" ) OR
                ( column="rtime_vcsrepo" ) )

We want to get rid of the “column” as a field and use the values directly as search parameters and to do that we rename “column” to “query” (this is magical but it is in the docs, somewhere):

... | fields column | rename column AS query | format

    query   search
1           ( ( rtime_file ) OR ( rtime_config_retrieval ) OR ( rtime_exec ) OR
                ( rtime_service ) OR ( rtime_vcsrepo ) )

Now we want to get rid of the parentheses and ORs, which we can do by overriding format with 6 empty strings:

... | format "" "" "" "" "" ""

    query   search
1           rtime_file rtime_config_retrieval rtime_exec rtime_service rtime_vcsrepo

We now have just the field names, but we cannot feed these directly to timecharttimechart requires a function around each of these. To do that, we must go back a few steps to take advantage of our wildcard renaming. Instead of renaming the fields to be just the field names, we will rename them to be the field names with “avg(” and “)” around them:

... | stats sum(rtime_*) AS avg(rtime_*) | ...

    query   search
1           "avg(rtime_file)" "avg(rtime_config_retrieval)" "avg(rtime_exec)"
                "avg(rtime_service)" "avg(rtime_vcsrepo)"

Now we have results that can be fed to timechart to get useful values!

Here is the complete final search after all of the afforementioned transformations:

eventtype=puppet_cimlog_metrics category=time \
| stats sum(rtime_*) AS avg(rtime_*) \
| transpose \
| sort - "row 1" \
| head 5 \
| fields column \
| rename column AS query \
| format "" "" "" "" "" ""

Step 4: Parameterize timechart with the fields

Finally, we use the previous search in a subsearch as the parameters to timechart, fed by the same search that we used in the subsearch:

eventtype=puppet_cimlog_metrics category=time \
| timechart [ search eventtype=puppet_cimlog_metrics category=time \
            | stats sum(rtime_*) AS avg(rtime_*) \
            | transpose \
            | sort - "row 1" \
            | head 5 \
            | fields column \
            | rename column AS query \
            | format "" "" "" "" "" "" \

Further work

Instead of performing the same search twice, one might want to use a summary index to calculate the top fields or use a scheduled search writing out the top fields to a CSV.

Initially I thought that format could be used to wrap “avg(…)” around the field names, but it puts spaces between the values and the parentheses and timechart does not appear to trim whitespace from the variable names, so this does not work. One could possibly use eval to remove the extra spaces, but the rename seems cleaner.

Of course, if you do not use a different function for stats and timechart, it can pass through without any renaming.